help for nepal
its terrible and very very sad what happened and is still happening in Nepal, and also part of Tibet and India. The recovery and rescue effort is continuing after the earthquake of 7.8-magnitude hit near Kathmandu on 25th of April. It has taken around 5.000 lives so far and the numbers are rising as the days pass. Nepal’s worst earthquake in 80 years destroyed countless buildings and infrastructure as people are struggling to meet basic human needs in the quake’s aftermath. Many of us try to help in one way or another, sending energy, love, prayers or donations.
Here are some of the organization you can trust to donate to. they will come to where it’s needed, they are trustable, honest and will go directly to the community, helping rebuild their lives.
doctors without borders
links to donate:
gayatri fund for nepal
This campaign has been created by Deva Premal, Miten, and Manose, who was born and raised in Nepal, along with Eva Holmberg Tedert (founder of Society for Street Children in Nepal– www.gatubarnnepal.net
link to donate: http://www.gofundme.com/Gayatri-Fund
‘Embracing the World’ is a global network of humanitarian organizations guided by Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi)
link to donate:
tip top nepal
this is a project from friends who have been supporting a small Nepalese family and community for years. The mother of the 3 children, Pema, just lost her life in the earthquake.
details to donate:
IBAN: NL14ABNA0479939624
a lot of help for nepal is needed